Ask yourself:
• Do you often have negative self-talk going on in your head?
• Do you feel low frequently with persisting worries?
• Does your negative self-talk affect your confidence, mood, behavior?
• Are you aware of your thoughts and how they are creating your experience?
Words are sounds produced by the vibrations of thoughts. Thoughts are the initiator of all the activities in our life. Continuous thought process creates a path in the brain, which triggers whenever we come across similar situations. These are carved deeply, and radiate the same experience every time. So this may be negative or positive, ending with a habitual thinking process.
If it is negative, the impact of this learning becomes the obstacle in our day to day life. In order to change it, we need a parallel learning path to reorganize the new positive habit of thinking. To achieve this, working with positive affirmations will help in changing an old thought habit.
What are Affirmations and how do they work?
Affirmations are positive words, statements, suggestions, declarations that can help you to diffuse and overcome self-destructive thoughts. Affirmations also describe a desired situation, habit or goal. Affirmations are very useful for building new habits, improving yourself, your life and for achieving success.
Similar to how repetitive tasks improve your physical health, these positive repetitions can rewire your thinking patterns so that over a time you begin to think and behave differently. And there is a lot of neuroscience research that proves this.
Learn to use the right affirmations to redesign-restructure your life. This workshop will give deep insight to understand and learn the Power of Affirmations to shape your life.
Workshop emphasis
• The science of Affirmations and thought power
• Affirmations – the Building Blocks of Life
• How the science of positive thought works in our mind and rewires our brain
• How “WORDS” change our behavior, feel and attitude
• Identifying the Reasons behind Failures
• Diffuse and overcome self-destructive thoughts
• Secrets of Creating and Using Affirmations
• The power of “I AM” affirmations
Recreate Life with Positive Affirmations;
Enhance Health, Wellness, Success, Good Relationship, Positivity, Creativity.”
This workshop is exclusively designed for those who are interested to help themselves.