Our life is a creation of our past learnings, feelings and experiences. These activities are a systematic learning done by mind through senses. And all these learning are carved in our mind and are used as an action or reaction in our day to day life.
Our behavior, attitude, character, communication, habits, expression etc. are developed over time by our own mind. These learnings are the base of our current and future life.
If you want to change anything in your life, from:
• ill-health to Radiant health• Failure to Success
• Pain to Healing
• Low feeling to Positivity
• Loneliness to Solitude
• Fear to Strength
• Impossible to Possible
• Disturbed relationship to Harmonious relationship Etc…
You have to rework-retrain-reprogram your past learnings. Holistic Hypnotherapy is one such healing modality that gives comprehensive solution with ancient yogic techniques.
So, how does Holistic Hypnotherapy work?
Every individual is unique and so is their problem. Hence, a traditional approach towards the same does not usually provide a complete solution to the requirement. In Holistic Hypnotherapy, we treat every individual as unique, we work on understanding the core requirement and help in reprograming the old program in a customized manner considering the individual as an entire system.
The process
• Working with different modalities of relaxation• Establishing an effective communication with the subconscious mind
• Working with the focused state-of-awareness with the help of Conscious Mind
• Identifying the old patterns or blocks
• Working with triggering points of the subconscious mind
• Applying sub-modality changes
• Bringing in expansion through more imaginary and effective corrections/ solutions
• Modifying the information as per the requirement
• Re-affirming the solution module to the Subconscious mind
• Re-establishing the conscious connectivity with the changed perception
The outcome of this approach can be experienced in all aspects of life; Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually irrespective of the requirement.
The list of problems for which this therapy can be used effectively are Lack of Memory, Lack of Concentration, Lack of Confidence, Low Self-esteem, Negative thinking, Lack of Focus, Fears and Phobias, Allergies, Addictions, Insomnia, Weight control, Nail Biting, Anxiety, Obsessive thinking, Stress-related problems, Communication problems including Stuttering, Learning disorders, Relationship issues……
Holistic Hypnotherapy can help a person to:
• Relax the Body, Mind and Emotions• Identify the negative blockages, emotions, beliefs that affects current life success
• Reduce day-to-day worries, anxiety, tension, and stress
• Increase performance, creativity, clarity and efficiency
• Increase self-esteem, self-confidence and hopefulness about life
• Improve interpersonal relationships
• Integrate body-mind-emotions and achieve total health (physical- mental- emotional-spiritual)
• Create a new belief system to connect inner potentiality
• Change behavior and attitude
• Gain higher self-confidence, thus resulting in stronger power of the will
• Healing of various psychosomatic problems
• Reduce the risk of cancer, high blood pressure and slow down the aging process
• Increase feeling of youthfulness, rejuvenates feelings of vitality leading you to a more positive outlook in life
Holistic Hypnotherapy involves the combination of the below modules:
• Emotional Cleansing Process• Creative Visualization
• Affirmations Therapy
• Stress Releasing Therapy
• Forgiveness Therapy
• Gratitude Therapy
• Relaxation Therapy
• Goal Setting